Arupo Bed and Breakfast i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorArupo Bed and Breakfast


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E5-45, Lizardo García, 170143, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-252-3528
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.2018063, Longitude: -78.490233

kommentar 5

  • Gelmar Garcia Vidal

    Gelmar Garcia Vidal


    I liked the breakfast !!!

  • Francisco Jarrin

    Francisco Jarrin


    I just book 3 nights for a german group

  • Brady Campbell

    Brady Campbell


    Good place to stay, would recommend a garden view room, the others are on the street and it can be really noisy especially on the weekend. Only down aspect is the front door of the hostel to the street. You need to get h the one person working to open the door. At times you need to wait. Should have a way to open the door from the inside at least. Good breakfast, bed, hot water, very nice staff.

  • Lobo Estepario

    Lobo Estepario


    Excellent Service nice colonial stile building and rooms at fare deals. Definitely recommend it either for long or short stay.

  • Stephen Hoskins

    Stephen Hoskins


    Ive stayed at Arupo B&B on two visits to Quito. The building is surrounded by a concrete fence, like most of the old homes in the area. There are about 10 rooms which are very private and clean with a backyard area. Feel free to use the kitchen facilities as it's open for guests. The family that runs Arupo is wonderful and always friendly and smiling. The location is in the old town area, central to many attractions in the city. This is where I will stay every time I am in Quito.

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