Atahualpa Olympic Stadium i Quito

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EcuadorAtahualpa Olympic Stadium


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Avenida Naciones Unidas, 170135, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-256-1024
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Latitude: -0.177473, Longitude: -78.4766789

kommentar 5

  • en

    Camila Cornejo


    Only been here for concerts. The audio could be better.

  • Catalina Troya

    Catalina Troya


    This is, the first stadium of soccer. It is, well done for the public. Some of them travel from other cities for watch the games. When is not soccer is used for musical concerts. Fix 45.000 people

  • Paola Cristina

    Paola Cristina


    Great Aerosmith concert! Parking facilities are missing.

  • Gabriel Ortiz

    Gabriel Ortiz


    I went to watch the game Liga vs Nacional.. I did not know that you can not bring beverages of any kind to the stadium, also is not allowed to bring umbrellas and wear belts, security (Local Police) will not let you in.. Once you are inside the stadium the food is kind of expensive compare to the local market and the food is not good at all.. For local games tickets are not sale on line..

  • Eric Helton

    Eric Helton


    Watching soccer here was a good time. The stadium is a little dated, but not in a way that distracts from the experience. The match we saw was not well attended, so I can't comment on what it's like for a crowded game or concert. When we were there, the fences between the sections around the field were closed, and we were unable to walk around to the other side of the field where there looked to be more for options than the few roving vendors. There were a lot of security and safety folks around, especially for the small crowd. I've seen news about how excited and sometimes chaotic big soccer matches can get, but all was calm and fun in our experience.

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