Banco del Pacifico i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorBanco del Pacifico



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PRXQ+M6X, Santo Domingo, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.2507546, Longitude: -79.1618941

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Armendáriz

    Rafael Armendáriz


    Very good place. First class service. Top-notch ATMs. Good assurances and very attentive and professional staff.

  • Steven Gaibor

    Steven Gaibor



  • Ale FloFlo

    Ale FloFlo


    Efficient and agile

  • Ernesto Novúa

    Ernesto Novúa


    Excellent bank. Quite easy and agile processes for opening both personal and current savings accounts for companies. It has several windows for more efficient and faster service, thus avoiding excessive crowding of clients for deposits, payments, etc., within the entity. It also has ATMs abroad, located right on Av. Abraham Calazacon and these ATMs are used for withdrawals and payments since they provide the electronic bill collector service, an ideal option for those who wish to make payments for basic services and credit cards. Although the parking lot is very small (practically 3 vehicles in the front part and 6 in the side part) it has several independent car attendants nearby in the nearby streets that guarantee a little security and tranquility to customers who intend to leave their vehicles nearby. 100% recommendable.

  • Pavel Zambrano

    Pavel Zambrano


    Great location for this bank

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