Centro de rehabilitacion Cederea i Guayaquil

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorCentro de rehabilitacion Cederea



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59342, Guayaquil 090512, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 950 4644
internet side: www.centrocederea.com
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Latitude: -2.1592014, Longitude: -79.9017824

kommentar 5

  • Matty Delgado

    Matty Delgado


    An excellent rehabilitation center dedicated exclusively to helping the integration of their inmates to society that at the end of their stay are again productive men and wanting to move on and give their best.

  • Christian Franco

    Christian Franco


    EXCELLENT PLACE👏👏👏👏👏👍, THAT HAS COMMITTED PROFESSIONALS, HIGHLY HUMAN AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITY. Backed by the seriousness and very good results of their joint work, reflected in their patients fully reintegrated into society. The best CEDEREA.👍💪

  • Christian Huacon

    Christian Huacon


    Excellent service, people fully trained to provide the necessary help, excellent infrastructure, 100% recommended

  • gonzalo galvez

    gonzalo galvez


    The excellent service the highly trained staff comfortable facilities many young people continue with their process after leaving

  • Marco Taranto

    Marco Taranto


    Excellent customer service. Excellent organization, a work team that is backed by an excellent infrastructure. Great leadership. On behalf of Mr. John Peralta and Mrs. Tatiana Castañeda.

nærmeste Hospital

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