Cinemark i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Avenida Naciones Unidas, 170102, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-226-0303
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.1752932, Longitude: -78.4924176

kommentar 5

  • Margarita León

    Margarita León


    Great price, very busy. Good attention, I left my glasses and they returned them

  • Diego Robles

    Diego Robles


    Ticket price is ok, meals on the other hand, so overpriced and awful. Nachos were burned and sticky with an oily taste. Cheese sauce was burned as well. Coke with no gas and tasteless! Disgusting!. Cinema area is flat and too old. You can watch and enjoy a movie much better in other cinemas.

  • Alok Parikh

    Alok Parikh


    The Cinemark in Quito is not like the one in United States. The price is cheap for regular seats and easily affordable. However, if you pay by a card, they as for your ID and feed in the numbers into their computers which I didn’t like. Also, the screen and seats aren’t architected with an incline which is weird.

  • Andrés Moreno Palacios

    Andrés Moreno Palacios


    It is nice place to hang out, watch a movie or there are a couple of restaurants near the cinema where you can go for a cup of coffee or something to eat. At times, it can get a bit crowned and people can be disrespectful.

  • Daniel Godwin

    Daniel Godwin


    Nice movie theater in Quito. Good vision. Lots of movies in English. Inexpensive. Seat comfort 3 stars. Nice location with great restaurants in the plaza.

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