Destiny Hotel i Baños de Agua Santa

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EcuadorDestiny Hotel



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Óscar Efrén Reyes, Baños de Agua Santa, Cantón Baños, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-274-1643
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Latitude: -1.39802, Longitude: -78.424459

kommentar 5

  • Aline Tb

    Aline Tb


    Destiny hotel is a five stars hotel with a great staff. Rooms are big and modern. The rooftop has the best views of the city.

  • Juan Verkeyn

    Juan Verkeyn


    Comfortabele beds and very helpful staff. The breakfast was delicious. Rooms are not really soundproof, not ideal for light sleepers. The swimming pools is really small, and the use of jacuzzi is an additional cost (25 dollars/2 hours).

  • Daniel van cauter

    Daniel van cauter


    Very good hotel nice peoples but price to expensive for the area

  • Mark Kohlberger

    Mark Kohlberger


    I will start this review by saying I am a very basic person, and this hotel did not live up to the bare minimum standards that a 4-Star Hotel should be. It’s incredibly overpriced and I would deter anyone from staying here. We arrived at the Destiny hotel, and we found out that there was limited parking even though you are paying over $100 USD per night. There was no receptionist to be found, and we had to wait almost 10 min to be checked in. We arrived in our room and it was hot and uncomfortable as well there was no toilet paper to be found. After talking to reception were able to obtain a fan that helped a bit, and some toilet paper. The bed sheets and the sink in the bathroom were dirty. We used the shower and it clogged up like a swimming pool, and we had to reach out to maintenance again to fix it. As well the smaller shower head connected to the wall was almost falling off the wall. This worst part of this hotel were the incredibly thin walls; and you could here banging noises the entire night, and my neighbours baby sounded like it was in my room. I got about 2-3 hours of sleep the whole night. This is probably my worst experience in any hotel I’ve ever had, and I’ve stayed in hotels around the world. I would avoid at all costs.

  • anthony romito

    anthony romito


    Nice hotel. Minus 1 star for the high price(for baños) and lack of AC in the room. Given given climate this isn't necessarily a deal breaker. Pros: Heated pool with fantastic panoramic views. Great water pressure+hot water Good continental breakfast, nice bar. Good location. Underground parking.

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