Discovery Quito i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorDiscovery Quito



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Mariscal Foch E826 y Diego de Almagro, Quito 170143, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-254-6004
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Latitude: -0.2040278, Longitude: -78.490456

kommentar 5

  • אמיר שלום

    אמיר שלום


    nice place at fair price with hot showers and great vibe. the staff are great and the place is close to everything. the only bad thing is the slow internet.

  • Natalie Cranston

    Natalie Cranston


    This hostel is in a good location of the city for tourists and is close to lots of nightlife. The price of the hostel is really good. I wish there were lockers in the rooms though.

  • Jonathan van de Star

    Jonathan van de Star


    The price is definitely worth it location is very nice. It's is close to the plaza Foch and the connection to the airport is also almost as good as it gets in Quito.

  • Elodie Tutusaus

    Elodie Tutusaus


    Place is cheap and clean, serves decent breakfast of eggs with pastry and a banana. The only downside is that there are no communal places to chill out except for the terrace at the front... And it can get pretty cold in Quito

  • Benjamin Nachum

    Benjamin Nachum


    This place is great. Nicest guys working the desk. Awesome part of town. Breakfast includes in a nice little common area. The maids are sweet once even folded my laundry. As nice as can be. Highly recommended.

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