Dulce y Cremoso i Manta

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EcuadorDulce y Cremoso



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Calle 16, Manta, Manta, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 96 743 8730
internet side: whataform.com
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Latitude: -0.9455132, Longitude: -80.7281199

kommentar 5

  • Cristy D PV

    Cristy D PV


    This place gets 4 stars only because of the employees, they are good

  • JC



    Very nice place

  • Angie Rosado

    Angie Rosado


    The best place for breakfasts, sandwiches, coffees, desserts, and everything! Good prices and excellent service! They have their menu in Spanish and you can ask for an English one as well!! Excellent locations also, my favorites are the one at the mall del Pacifico, which overlooks the ocean, and the one at La Quadra, the trendiest plaza in town! You have to go!

  • True Traveler

    True Traveler


    Stay away from this place.. Went there on wednesday January 6th 2021. Order a croissant and two coffees. Slow service. No courtesy at all. . I usually ask for prices prior to ordering, big mistake. I was charged $8.00, this was really a shock in Manta Ecuador. I ate an encebollado mixto fish, shrimps and calamari for $4.50 at Carmelos. This place is way 2 expensive. I will never go back there. Este lugar es super caro y el servicio es muy lento y el servicio al cliente es pesimo. Un crossant con 2 cafe $8.00

  • Mark Ackeret

    Mark Ackeret


    Great coffee and small bites

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