El Romeral Comida Típica y Eventos i Ambato

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorEl Romeral Comida Típica y Eventos



🕗 åbningstider

Pinllo, Ambato, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 290 5867
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Latitude: -1.2321336, Longitude: -78.6405132

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Sánchez

    Francisco Sánchez


    The atmosphere is good. However, due to the coronavirus, there were quite a few people. In terms of food a lot to be desired. I ordered two plates of guinea pig and a yahuarlocro. The guinea pig dams had super tough skin that we couldn't cut with the knife they handed us. We asked for a knife so we could cut and they never passed us. Once we fought to remove the skin from the guinea pig, the meat was a bit raw, it tastes like roast, as if it had been cooked in water first. The yahuarlocro seemed like a potato broth with menudo, not good at all. We told the person who served us the table about the harshness of the guinea pig and he told us that sometimes they come old or tender guinea pigs and it is no longer their fault, without giving us a solution. Even though we left all the food on the plates they charged us anyway they are no shame. Terrible service and food. I do not recommend it to anyone.

  • Elkamy78 (Elkamy78)

    Elkamy78 (Elkamy78)


    Excellent atmosphere, taste and attention ...

  • Tata



    Cheap and delicious

  • Anibal Guerrero

    Anibal Guerrero


    Tasty food

  • Angelita Rodriguez

    Angelita Rodriguez


    Excellent care

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