Hospital Básico Privado SAN CAYETANO i Ambato

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorHospital Básico Privado SAN CAYETANO



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Daquilema, 180202, Ambato, Cantón Ambato, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-284-0908
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.2576653, Longitude: -78.6276534

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Gómez

    Amanda Gómez


    Very poorly applied COVID treatment and very high price for the lacking service. There is no calling in this place.

  • Angeles Vasquez

    Angeles Vasquez


    Overpriced on everything! In Ecuador where the basic salary of a family is $ 400, this clinic charges $ 1200 to $ 1800 a day! At that price I expect a quality service! But it is terrible! Starting from the unfriendly office and sick staff, the doctor in charge hardly visited the patient, but his fees are around $ 900 in four days. The food is terrible, they don't even sift the laundry, they don't have purified water for the patients, the dishes are not clean. The bathrooms lack such basic things as toilet paper and soap. They deny us communication with the patient. We asked for information and they denied us, when it is their obligation to deliver it. They told us that we have to do a trade and that it takes 72 hours to deliver when the lives of the patients may depend on it. They also refused to give us an invoice, which is illegal. It should be noted that you cannot be discharged if you do not cancel all the money at that time. Who has thousands of dollars saved in their bank account? They lack payment plans for the convenience of families. They top up 10 percent when paying by credit card, that's illegal too! Attached photo of the "INVOICE" that they gave us, which is nothing more than a simple piece of paper with no legal value. I do not recommend this clinic at all, lack of professionalism from all staff, including Dr. Franklin Nunez. And lack of empathy with families who are going through moments of pain and anguish!

  • Paul Sadeghi

    Paul Sadeghi


    It is simply a scam, to a person who is in a serious situation in a country where an average person earns the basic, this clinic when seeing the desperation of the people charges 5 times more than a basic salary per day, you imagine the profit that are generating because of Covid people. In addition to the attention I received, they did not clean my feces, that is, my vasenilla, in my weak state they did not even feed me every day and even so they burden me so much. IT IS A SHAME of mediocre doctors and even more insensitive humans

  • Fabian Díaz

    Fabian Díaz


    Excellent Hospital. Covid testing and treatment available 24/7

  • David Alejandro Pozo

    David Alejandro Pozo


nærmeste Hospital

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