Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, 17 Y MERA, 180103, Ambato, Cantón Ambato, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-282-1721
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.243075, Longitude: -78.627129

kommentar 5

  • Di Erick Misa

    Di Erick Misa


    Uffff what to say about this place I have heard things that do not even compare with what I am going to tell you below: First of all, if you are with someone who needs emergency care, he recommended that you go to the Ambato regional teaching hospital. experience in this hospital: This happened during the quarantine and I had pancreatitis due to some stones in my gallbladder, so in a hurry they took me to this hospital, they treated me and left me in a room that until then they did not tell us the price, the care was normal but during the night there was no one an emergency and no one could help me and so 4 days passed in which they did not want to let me go even though my parents already wanted to take me because the prices were ridiculously high 1 night was worth 140 dollars so I know You can imagine my surprised face from that to the end they wanted to stop us there for 7 more days but with yelling and everything they finally let us go and the operation was for more than 3,000 dollars I couldn't believe it they were real thieves in the end We had to pay $ 1,300 that was the worst thing I could have done to go to that hospital is the worst of the worst until they were charging us 35 dollars for the nurses' gloves and that only 1 entered to change my serums 2 times a day and 1 p The person to clean the room so I do not recommend at all to come to this hospital it is a real robbery I would never return to this one in the end I got another pancreatitis and they took me to the Ambato Regional Teaching Hospital and they did not charge us anything they treated me very well and alone We bought the medicines that cost 1.25 dollars, they also operated on me there for 300 dollars, the facilities were 1st, even much better than in the other Hospital, and they always treated me super well, the nurses and doctors took care of me and I also made many friends since I was there for 3 weeks that I really enjoyed a lot until they gave us small jelly desserts with fruit and sometimes at lunch I really enjoyed being there the truth I envy those who work there a little so for this I give it a star I wish I could leave it - 5 stars I do not recommend this hospital at all

  • Guido Calderon

    Guido Calderon


    Friendly staff but they drop you off at night, no one comes if you need anything. The windows allow you to hear all the nightly scandal in the area.

  • Mabe Ulloa

    Mabe Ulloa


    The attention is terrible, I do not recommend it.

  • Juan Carlos Acuña

    Juan Carlos Acuña


    Never enter this clinic! The attention they provide on weekends is terrifying. You can escape someone dying, they don't have the x-ray and ultrasound area open on weekends. They make you wait until Monday to give you a diagnosis, while you can die until you wait for their will. The nursing care is lousy, indelicate, and totally humiliating! It is the worst clinic in the province!

  • ADESI Area de Servicios Integrados

    ADESI Area de Servicios Integrados


    Friendly attention from medical staff and nurses.

nærmeste Hospital

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