Hostal La Casa del Molino Blanco i Baños de Agua Santa

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EcuadorHostal La Casa del Molino Blanco



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Juan Leon Mera Y Misioneros Domincanos, Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 96 055 4957
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Latitude: -1.4004137, Longitude: -78.4270132

kommentar 5

  • Séverin Baschung

    Séverin Baschung


    It was a nice stay at the hostel. We had breakfast included, which was rich and delicious (totally exceeded our expectations (expected just toast, ham and cheese)). We've had the opportunity to talk to the employees and learn a lot about ecuadorian food and culture! They were very nice, uncomplicated people. Our rooms was really cozy (matrimonial bed). The only drawback (if at all) was the location, which is 10min walk from the city center. But it's definitely worth a stay.

  • Franfran



    Awesome Beds. Back pain gone with bed and the hot springs from volcano. Good breakfast and so clean hostel also you can play chess and do siesta in the hammock.

  • Dorian Touly

    Dorian Touly


    We rented the suite, which was a lovely little separated cottage with a little terrace out front behind the hostel for 3 nights for the price of $45 a night. The room was spacious, with big windows and a private bathroom. Breakfast was very nice (fruits, coffee/tea, bread, etc) and the staff really nice. We could park our car, but in the garage of the neighbor in front. This was a little weird, we felt like our car was a bit of a burden...

  • Juan Pablo Mojica Navarro

    Juan Pablo Mojica Navarro


    Great place to rest. The place is in a quiet area far from noise but few blocks from Downtown. Clean and great breakfast.

  • Janet Turner

    Janet Turner


    I live on the coast but am here in Banos for my third time this year , always returning to this Hostal. The people and the hospitality I receive here makes me feel like this is my home. Every time I return I see the improvements made and appreciate them. Highly recommend.

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