Hosteria y Spa Isla de Baños i Baños de Agua Santa

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EcuadorHosteria y Spa Isla de Baños



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2065, Montalvo, Baños de Agua Santa, Cantón Baños, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-274-0609
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.4007247, Longitude: -78.4230337

kommentar 5

  • Maeby Chassit

    Maeby Chassit


    We have returned to Isla De Banos three times we love it so much! Located in a quiet corner of banos (a must for us as the city center can get LOUD) this is a 5 minute walk to the Main Street of Banos. Ask for a room with a view of the waterfall! Amazing! Beautiful lush grounds, awesome spa services and a delicious breakfast (breakfast is included). Laundry service is also available. The staff goes above and beyond for you. They made me special soup when I wasn’t feeling well and continued to check in with me. So sweet! We will be back any time we are in Banos! Don’t miss Isla de Banos!

  • Liz Gladden

    Liz Gladden


    My husband and I stayed here 4 nights. It is a beautiful, unique hotel. The staff are very friendly and helpful. We hope to stay here again when we visit next!!

  • Josselin Forissier

    Josselin Forissier


    Nice hotel with good room a nice atmosphere and a very good restaurant. Altough a bit disappointed by the first staff member we met. He didn't speak English (as written in the billboard in the entrance) and told us we could use the jaccuzzi the next day evening, but he was off by then. And the second night was awfull with other customer making noise in the hotel up untill 5AM.

  • Lloyd Kaipainen

    Lloyd Kaipainen


    Good value. No heat though

  • Lorena narvaez

    Lorena narvaez


    It is Ok

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