Hotel Hosteria el Paraiso i Pedro Vicente Maldonado

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EcuadorHotel Hosteria el Paraiso



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Via Calacalí la Independencia Km 116, Pedro Vicente Maldonado 170850, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 554 4182
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Latitude: 0.0801806, Longitude: -79.0496564

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Schenk

    Daniel Schenk


    Era sábado y éramos los únicos invitados. Este complejo se está deteriorando. Encontramos una habitación sucia con molde en los muros. La cena era pobre, consistía en un solo plato. El desayuno fue muy mediocre. Si no hubiéramos pagado ya la mitad de los 94 dólares por 2 personas, nos habríamos ido inmediatamente. El precio que se cobra es una auténtica estafa.

  • Wilmer Crespo

    Wilmer Crespo


    Vicitalo and you will see

  • Arsenio Oñate

    Arsenio Oñate


    A beautiful place to rest and enjoy one of the natural charms of Pedro Vicente Maldonado, the Caoní River.

  • Andrea Almeida

    Andrea Almeida


    Hosteria El Paraíso is located in Pedro Vicente Maldonado and offers agrotourism services on cocoa cultivation. On the route, you will visit the CCN51 cocoa plantation and learn about the historical characteristics of this ancestral crop. In addition, there is a tasting of slime, roasted and ground cocoa beans. The inn is located near the Caoni River, where you can swim in non-torrential waters. You can also enjoy the pool and walk in nature. With regard to food, different dishes are served to choose from for lunch, such as tilapia, cutlet, chicken, shrimp, among others, and a standard breakfast. There is the possibility of opting for a stay in the cabins, although it is also recommended to do a one-day tour. It is an ideal place to enjoy with the family, children have space to live with nature and if you like water you can enjoy the river and its benefits, there is even a small boat to row in the small bed of the Caoni river. Rest, fun and entertainment two hours from the city of Quito. The price is $ 20 for the one-day sightseeing tour that includes food, tourist route, and access to the river, pool, and other facilities.

  • Adrian Vignolo

    Adrian Vignolo


    Its a good place with good food. Nice if you like a quiet place with pool, golf, open places, wood, restaurant, kayak. You could enjoy a Ceviche of palmito or taste a Ecuatorian chocolate from their chocolate factory when you pay a visit.

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