Hotel Jeshua i Guayaquil

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EcuadorHotel Jeshua


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1501, Padre Vicente Solano Vargas, 090510, Guayaquil, Guayaquil, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 4-239-6253
internet side:
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Latitude: -2.1862038, Longitude: -79.8921127

kommentar 5

  • Kostja Manfred

    Kostja Manfred


    Nice and clean hotel, although the rooms located on the ground floor and very poor breakfast

  • Patrick Richoux

    Patrick Richoux


    Very nice family hotel Great place quiet clean not expensive excellent service A place you want to come back I spend 10 days and was very happy

  • C Sam

    C Sam


    This family run inn is very pleasant and good value for money. It’s about 20-25 min walking to Malecon 2000. I say 20-25 as the traffic can easily slow down the walk! The room was clean and I got my laundry done at a very reasonable price, very quickly. Ac, WiFi etc all great. The owner very kindly explained all the best spots on a map to me, helped getting taxis etc and was very helpful, as I don’t speak Spanish. The immediate neighbourhood can feel a little deserted after a while in the eve and there isn’t much in terms of shops, restaurants etc. I was alone so was back about 8pm or so. Breakfast was basic, and hot water at times temperamental, but all in all I’m happy with the service.

  • Simon Guerin

    Simon Guerin


    Clean rooms. Great bathrooms. Fast wifi. TV. Breakfast. The rooms are clean and safe and for a very reasonable price. Recommended.

  • James Gale

    James Gale


    A great little hotel, especially so considering the modest room rates. A good bed, a good shower and good AC helped turned an otherwise basic room in to quite the bargain. Recommended.

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