Hotel La Aldea i Atacames

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EcuadorHotel La Aldea



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Frente al mar, barrio las Acacias., Atacames 080650, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 6-273-1675
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.8697782, Longitude: -79.8542938

kommentar 5

  • claudio caicedo

    claudio caicedo


    Comfortable prices and good service for those who do not have much money like me 😁

  • Wendy Navarrete

    Wendy Navarrete


    The rooms are simple, sheets are changed and cleaned every day. They do not have rooms facing the sea. If you wish, look for the Hotel Aldea playa. Which is in the same place but in another building and another owner. I wanted to stay at that hotel and since it had the same name I made the reservation in advance, in the end I arrived and found out that they are from the same family, but different owners. When I asked for oceanfront rooms they mentioned that they were sold out, they NEVER mentioned that they don't have an oceanfront hotel if not back, or say it's another hotel. The confusion arises because they have the same name "village".

  • Diego Erazo

    Diego Erazo



  • Alvaro Villamar

    Alvaro Villamar


    The service was very good, the place was clean, the beds were comfortable, but the air conditioner didn't work very well (the remote to change the A/C settings was not provided), there was no dresser to store clothes - just a bench), the restaurant was closed, and there was no elevator (our rooms were on the fourth floor). It has a private parking lot.

  • Jesús Torres

    Jesús Torres


    It's a great hotel to visit. Good praces and very comfortable. It's near to the ocean. If you are looking for a good hotel, this is a well choice... I recommend it.

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