Hotel Regal i Machala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorHotel Regal


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1234, Sucre, Machala, Machala, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-296-0000
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Latitude: -3.2591037, Longitude: -79.9608346

kommentar 5

  • Angel Gunther Vega

    Angel Gunther Vega


    Good place to stay in the center of Machala. Breakfast service is awesome.

  • Thomas Alb

    Thomas Alb


    Hotels surprise us with nice cake oitbof nothing even we just stay 1 nifht -)

  • Isidro Plaza

    Isidro Plaza


    Nice place in Machala

  • Jorge Luis Valverde

    Jorge Luis Valverde


    Clean rooms and big rooms. Air conditioned and has cable TV. However the breakfast could be better, very simple breakfast. Eggs, bread and coffee. Something very noticeable was that the second day I was there, the internet stopped working. I asked the staff for their help but unfortunately they couldn’t. The rest of my stay I had no internet access which was a bummer. Other than that, good place to stay for a few days if your looking something quick and not so expensive. Affordable prices for what they offer.

  • Juan Carlos Cerón

    Juan Carlos Cerón


    Nice place to stay. Good breakfast

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