Juan Valdez Café. i Riobamba

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EcuadorJuan Valdez Café.


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Avenida Miguel Angel Leon, Riobamba, Riobamba, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
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Latitude: -1.6683453, Longitude: -78.6557053

kommentar 1

  • danie lito

    danie lito


    It is an island within tropiburguer. They have everything from a cafeteria, hot also snowy. Cakes desserts etc. But the terrible attention. We went 3 times. The 1st was not the man who attends they said he left, I went back. And it never came. The next there was a promotion on a sign of 2 snowy by 1, but he told me that only from Monday to Friday, which was not specified by the sign. I had a very good cappuccino by the way. Then I came back during the week for that promotion, but the man without giving or welcoming just said "download the application, you must ask from there", I did all that process of creating an account and everything, which he did not tell us the previous time, and the promotion did not appears there. We left and the man never came to ask if we needed any help, he was just cleaning things out there. Very bad service is expected at least a welcome a somewhat but lousy smile. Just because it's good coffee I give it 1 star

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