Le Parc Hotel i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorLe Parc Hotel



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N34-349, Avenida República de El Salvador, 170505, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-227-6800
internet side: www.leparc.com.ec
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Latitude: -0.1840428, Longitude: -78.480819

kommentar 5

  • Texas Huntress

    Texas Huntress


    This hotel has nice spacious rooms in a good location, but I have had numerous awful service issues the entire time I have been here. From a rude bartender who was verbally abusive. To keys not working in the rooms to other things not working to the staff now putting me in a room waking up at 6 AM to the worst construction sounds I’ve ever heard, when they had plenty of other rooms to put me in…. There is a serious lack of understanding of any kind of service, but you are paying American prices.

  • Grecia R

    Grecia R


    This hotel has BED BUGS! We should have read the reviews before staying there for a week, other guests had the same issue. It’s supposed to be a nice hotel and it was horrible. The rooms are stuffy (a/c didn’t work), and the staff did nothing to fix this. We told them about the A/C 3 times and it got us nowhere. Overall, horrible.

  • Adam Fuelling

    Adam Fuelling


    This hotel has bed bugs in at least two of their rooms and they would not refund us when we left early. A terrible experience for any hotel, especially such a highly rated and starred one. They are not beyond stars, but far below them.

  • James McAllister

    James McAllister


    My wife and I checked into the hotel last evening. We were just awoken by loud banging and construction. When I called the front desk to complain, I was advised they are performing pre-planned construction on the hotel. When I asked why we weren’t advised of that, and why it wasn’t on the hotel’s website, the person I spoke with said he had no idea. Now we are forced check out and find a new hotel! DO NOT STAY HERE

  • Luis M Arcos

    Luis M Arcos


    Very nice, great staff, good location

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