Marea Pizzeria & Bakery i Cuenca

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EcuadorMarea Pizzeria & Bakery



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Søndagåben 24 timer
2-18, Calle Caspicara, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 001 4125
internet side:
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Latitude: -2.8958568, Longitude: -79.0097505

kommentar 5

  • Genaro Martinez-Cordova

    Genaro Martinez-Cordova


    Different than any other pizza I have tried in Cuenca so far. it had a more artesanal taste/look to it. Lots of option to choose from and everything is enjoyed in a beautifully arranged room.

  • Christi Spak

    Christi Spak


    The crust fell apart beneath the pizza toppings. Maybe it had been frozen or something? I had to taco two pieces together to gain pizza strength and get it into eating position. So, meh.

  • Lisa Claus

    Lisa Claus


    Breakfast was ok, drinks came after food, food not at the same time, but still was delicious. Waiters speak English and are really attentive. Coffee is strong. Wish to have been there for pizza because the oven looked sooo nice!

  • Ricarda Margreiter

    Ricarda Margreiter


    Good pizza, friendly service! Not the cheapest, and not everything from the menu available (today we don't have this, this, and that...) but a nice atmosphere to have dinner at and the food quality is good! Plus: free Pizza bread and dips :)

  • Jesse Thomas Hoffmann

    Jesse Thomas Hoffmann


    What a fantastic meal I just had. My salad was absolutely delicious and the mulberry juice... Oh My God! Honestly it might be the best juice I've had in my life. I highly recommend coming here. This meal made made my night!

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