María Cocina y Panadería i Quito

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EcuadorMaría Cocina y Panadería



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27-80 y, Lorenzo Aldana, 170129, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.1924156, Longitude: -78.500385

kommentar 5

  • Sonia Vohnout

    Sonia Vohnout


    Amazing food and unique style and menu. Best place for bakeries in Quito.

  • Alejandra Rivadeneira C.

    Alejandra Rivadeneira C.


    Excellent food, I got a “benitos classic”, it was a poached eggs, tomato, spinach, with holand sauce, the coffee was good, also try the breakfast burrito and the matcha French toast, everything was good, the service was nice, the place excellent, love it !

  • Juanes Morales

    Juanes Morales


    I went with my friends today for brunch and OMG the food was beyond what I was expecting. We got the Curry Banh Mi, Chicken Caprese Focaccia, Wiener Schnitzel and the Kombucha. The food was so good I didn’t have time for a picture, but for sure I will go back to try new food. The staff was super friendly and helpful so it really made our experience way better. Great flavors and great atmosphere, if you are in Quito this restaurant is a must!

  • Sofia Nuñez

    Sofia Nuñez


    Really nice little place, I expected a better sitting and service but overall the food is great and the bread awesome. I dont rate 5 stars because the coffee wasn't good (cappuccino). Try the greal cheese sandwich!, focaccia and croissants!

  • Magdalena Nemalceff

    Magdalena Nemalceff


    The concept of the food my experience, the execution could improve.

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