MariCarli Hostal i Portoviejo

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EcuadorMariCarli Hostal


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Calle 18 de octubre y Calle 9 de Octubre, Portoviejo 130101, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 95 945 5192
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Latitude: -1.0555297, Longitude: -80.4549998

kommentar 5

  • Nathalia Chinga

    Nathalia Chinga



  • Aida Vintimilla

    Aida Vintimilla


    It is clean and the prices are between 12 and 15 dollars .. simple but clean.

  • Mia Valentina

    Mia Valentina


    We find everything dirty, not the next thing to that. With saying that there was dust accumulated as of 3 months ago even without cleaning and rats (we also saw them). The general TV did not work, so we could not watch tv during the whole stay more than in a single room. The furniture (sofas) were not exactly the kind of furniture in which you can lie down and be comfortable in your vacations after such a long trip. They are terrace furniture (beach). The bathrooms had no hot water except one. They charged us extra after having already given us a lower price they upgraded us $ 25. Anyway. I really would not recommend it because if you come on vacation you will not be able to rest and be in a comfortable and clean place. Anyway, we appreciate the attention and the accommodation, but of course we would not choose this hostel again.

  • Josselyneliana Cabalarcentas

    Josselyneliana Cabalarcentas


    Josselyn eliana cabal arcentales

  • Walter Kaczmarek

    Walter Kaczmarek


    The MariCarli Hostal is now called Hostal Andromeda. I loved living here for a month. Very nice staff and a lot of fun. The only thing I did not like and therefore a star was less, that in the room no internet reception was possible. There is the possibility to have his private laundry washed here for a reasonable price. If you want to stay here for a cheap price, but you have to take the roads that are to the left and right of the hostal, in purchasing. 16.02.2018 New stay. After the severe earthquake in 2016, the hostal will be rebuilt. Some rooms on the second floor are available for rent again. Internet available throughout the house, all rooms equipped with air conditioning or fans. Not recommended as a holiday accommodation.

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