Mount Sinai Hospital i Cuenca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorMount Sinai Hospital



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6-140, Miguel Cordero Dávila, 010107, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-288-5595
internet side:
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Latitude: -2.908773, Longitude: -79.0073464

kommentar 5

  • Lucia Salazar

    Lucia Salazar


    Lo mejor me salvaron mi vida después de Dios fueron esas manos del Dr Patricio Serrano Alvarado cirujano laparoscopico y todos los demás Médicos muy profesionales Dios los cuide y proteja siempre millón bendiciones 😘

  • Aylam R

    Aylam R


    Great hospital with multiple specialists on site. Dr Maldonado spoke great English, and was very helpful in diagnosing and helping resolve my gastrointestinal concerns

  • Ynot! Now!

    Ynot! Now!


    I am very shocked to see the negative or one star reviews I just spent three days there because a severe food poisoning Episode that I thought was going to kill me and everybody there was respectful kind and even though my Spanish isn’t perfect when it comes to medical conditions you want to understand exactly what they’re saying and they made sure that my wife and I understood everything. So take my review for what it’s worth but they did their job they did it well they did it with respect and much kindness so thank you to all the staff!!

  • Lukas Erlenbach

    Lukas Erlenbach


    Modern place, got help from a friendly english speaking specialist within 20 minutes on a holiday. Thank you so much!

  • David Naccari

    David Naccari


    I don't recommend this hospital or clinic to anyone. Many of the Monte Sinai doctors smoke. I see them smoking cigarettes nearly everyday in the cafés nearby the hospital. If they can't be trusted with their own health, why should they be trusted with yours?

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