MyG Cake Boutique i Machala

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EcuadorMyG Cake Boutique



🕗 åbningstider

Santa Rosa, 070102, Machala, Machala, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 176 2301
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Latitude: -3.2560732, Longitude: -79.9599542

kommentar 5

  • Nestor Cubides

    Nestor Cubides


    I bought a walnut cake with apple, it was dry apart, it felt like it had been stored for a long time and not to mention the price….

  • Michelle Fernández

    Michelle Fernández


    Before, the quality of their desserts was better, but the service is good and the place is nice to have a coffee and talk.

  • Carlos Jaime

    Carlos Jaime


    Super nice to share with the family

  • kory vega

    kory vega


    Terrible service, I ordered in advance a complete cake with all my data several days ago, what do I receive? That they leave me in sight and on the day of delivery or surprise the date was another day, when by wsp message I gave the date twice !, How can that be possible?!. Apart from the treatment that they gave me for the solution, it was an absolute concern, disdain, terrible customer service and terrible treatment. If I could put a 0 rating I would, I don't recommend it in the least.

  • Luis Granda

    Luis Granda


    The best desserts and lovely atmosphere

nærmeste Cafe

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