Parque Náutico La Carolina i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorParque Náutico La Carolina



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Parque la Carolina, Avenida de los Shyris, Quito, Pichincha, Quito 170135, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-225-5237
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Latitude: -0.187368, Longitude: -78.485166

kommentar 5

  • RAFAEL Paz

    RAFAEL Paz


    Visit during the week an the weekend it's super crowded. Amazing place to go with families or love ones super chill and calm during the week that's when the pictures were taken.

  • Cristhian Mejía

    Cristhian Mejía


    It is a nice place to spend a day. Either you can enjoy the view of this renewed artificial lagoon with many local food places around it, or you could rent a pedalling boat to enjoy the place more. It is cheap and a great way to spend a sunny day. I fully recommend to visit this place if you're around the area.

  • en

    Carlos David Rosero Montalvo


    here you can go in boats watching the nature of the park

  • Richie Batista

    Richie Batista


    Fun park, nice people selling food, playing sports, working out and just enjoying the weather. Also on Sundays local vendors come out to sell hand crafted goods

  • Alex Passini

    Alex Passini


    This is a fun lagoon to paddle around in bicycle boats. The name is a little misleading I don't know that I would call it "nautico", man made lagoon.

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