Pekin i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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300, Whymper, 170517, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 944 6579
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.1986056, Longitude: -78.4812965

kommentar 5

  • Walter Tumbaco

    Walter Tumbaco


    Shrimp dumplings are awesome

  • Tuan dao

    Tuan dao


    please do not eat here, the food is not even close to Chinese food, the pictures on the website are not what you will get, the peking duck and the bun are weird, duck had no flavor, peking duck is supposed to roast the skin to crispy and crunchy but, they did the duck so soft, and bun was so flat, almost like tortilla, it had no taste at all, the price is so expensive for the Chinese food, and the service was horrible, took forever to get your food, and I cannot believe that this restaurant asked me to fill out customers names for Covid contact tracing, non of any restaurants ask that. I definitely will NOT go back to this restaurant.

  • strabourne



    Food is fantastic even tho the decor is a little old school

  • estefania granja

    estefania granja


    Good food, decent prices, the place is clean and overall nice. The service needs improvement since the are few waiters and in peak hours it's hard for any of them to deal with all the tables. Overall great food and quality for what you pay.

  • Milton Davila

    Milton Davila


    It is a nice place.

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