Prohibido Centro Cultural i Cuenca

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EcuadorProhibido Centro Cultural



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12-102, La Condamine, 010203, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 514 1059
internet side:
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Latitude: -2.8989823, Longitude: -79.0089803

kommentar 5

  • JT Neira

    JT Neira


    Very interesting place. Worth paying a visit.

  • Devine Davis-Williams

    Devine Davis-Williams


    Nice hangout place.

  • Maya Yrumbe

    Maya Yrumbe


    A little eccentric and peculiar, I really liked the artistic work of Eduardo Moscoso. An excellent place to enjoy a walk through the beautiful city of Cuenca, it is allowed to take pictures and you can even get a tattoo 😃

  • Kris



    When I read Arte Extremo on the outside of the building I did not expect anything too unique upon entering. I was wrong. Across 4 rooms and a small basement I was absolutely intrigued by the hundreds of pieces across several mediums. With a definite taboo theme in common, each piece still felt unique and interesting and kept my attention for several minutes. A few pieces also encourage participation and make great pictures. The staff was family of the artist and were incredibly inviting and informative on the pieces. They also helped point out more hidden pieces that would be overlooked. My fiancee and I enjoyed it so much we immediately returned when her sister and husband arrived into town to show of the weird treasure we found in Cuenca. A must visit for those with an open mind and an interest in risque or taboo art.

  • Christi Spak

    Christi Spak


    Certainly NOT your typical "museum!" If you are into finding those unique, Atlas Obscura kind of places, go here. Loads of cool creations- some strange, some beautiful, and some kind of haunting. They also host music and artistic events. Support the counterculture and independent artists!

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