Provincial General Hospital i Latacunga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorProvincial General Hospital



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Hermanas Paez, Latacunga, Latacunga, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-280-0332
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.9368432, Longitude: -78.616998

kommentar 5

  • Camilo Unaucho

    Camilo Unaucho


    On hold my daddy is in an emergency so it's not pleasant at all

  • tehobon



    No comments, I reserve them.

  • Álvaro Jr. Peña Teràn

    Álvaro Jr. Peña Teràn


    It has a great infrastructure. But unfortunately, the corruption of the Ecuadorian state takes its toll on public health, leaving it in dire conditions. It is painful and what I most wish is that the Ecuadorian health system stops being a motive for theft and improves for the good of all of society.

  • Kelly Yojana Solarte

    Kelly Yojana Solarte


    My father is well cared for, I just need Communicate urgently with him I am in Colombia and my father sent him from the latacumga jail and they say he has covid, please help me with a phone

  • Fernando Jativa

    Fernando Jativa


    A hospital with good infrastructure .. but with lousy and unfortunate care! If you want to die waiting, please I recommend going to the General Hospital of Latacunga. There they surely don't care about his life.

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