Rústica Restaurante - Coffee Shop - Food i Loja

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EcuadorRústica Restaurante - Coffee Shop - Food



🕗 åbningstider

Simón Bolívar, Loja, Loja, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-606-2439
internet side: rustica-restaurante.negocio.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -4.0010998, Longitude: -79.2017158

kommentar 5

  • Sonia Mercedes Soto Aymar

    Sonia Mercedes Soto Aymar


    Rich and varied lunches, good presentation of the place, highly recommended ... 😊😊😊

  • Magaly Armijos

    Magaly Armijos


    I really liked the service and the food I highly recommend it

  • Antonio Ágape

    Antonio Ágape


    The place is beautiful, great attention and a space that really allows you to get your maximum expression.

  • Carolina Mancheno

    Carolina Mancheno


    Excellent place in the center of the city of Loja to spend it as a couple or as a family and taste the best Lojan food worthy of recognition for Rústica Restaurante I recommend it for locals and tourists 👍😋

  • Curtis Hofmann

    Curtis Hofmann


    Located in a gorgeous colonial building, with eclectic decoration, this spacious (20+ tables) restaurant is excellent for lunch or dinner. Prices are quite reasonable. Has delicious craft beer on tap. Excellent service. Family environment.

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