Soga Hostal i Manabí

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorSoga Hostal



🕗 åbningstider

130226, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 798 5366
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Latitude: -0.9880467, Longitude: -80.8483061

kommentar 5

  • Margarita Kristof

    Margarita Kristof


    My favourite place to stay in Ecuador by far. Everything from clean excellent rooms, comfy beds, swimming pool, breakfast, location next to the beach and shops is wonderful. But the best is the staff who work here and the owner Oswaldo and his family. Most helpful, kind, accommodating people. Can't praise enough this place. Highly recommendedcommended.

  • Kim Delp

    Kim Delp


    Soga was just what our family needed. It was relaxing and we stayed in the suite which was perfect for a family with hot water and air conditioning. Very short walk to a beautiful beach. Oswaldo was amazing and very patient and a great chef. The food is some of the best seafood we have had on the coast! My kids response was "this is the best hotel ever".

  • Ladislav Ullrich

    Ladislav Ullrich


    Nice staff, delicious breakfast, Nice rooms. Really good expierence. I definitely recommend!

  • Mike Roehm

    Mike Roehm


    Super Hostel! Recommended Very nice food and friendly staff! Rooms are clean and quite. I went there a few days for kitesurfing and they provided me a free shuttle (everyday) to the near kiteschool. Thanks ✌️

  • jennyfer diaz

    jennyfer diaz


    Delicious food , Great experience, excellent service. The beach is very close and very beautiful.

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