Sweet & Coffee i Guayaquil

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EcuadorSweet & Coffee



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Luis Urdaneta, 090306, Guayaquil, Guayaquil, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 4-602-2900 ext. 259
internet side: www.sweetandcoffee.com.ec
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Latitude: -2.1894071, Longitude: -79.8783275

kommentar 5

  • Fermin Gonzalez

    Fermin Gonzalez


    This is my favourite coffeeshop in Malecón 2000. During y trip I have visited this place every day, sometimes more than once a day. The terrace is so relaxing and beautiful. The coffee is great and there is a loads of options to eat sweet or savory. I love this place.

  • dasia davis

    dasia davis


    It was good! A nice place to sit down and enjoy the AC and a nice snack after walking a lot on Malecón. The online downside is that it can get very noisy with people and the music, so if you go to meet up with friends, it's a little hard to have a conversation.

  • Gregory Gedeon

    Gregory Gedeon


    Great location and views, but all Sweet and Coffee locations should use better quality coffee in their drinks.

  • Bryan Lozano

    Bryan Lozano


    Ecuador's Starbucks is a fantastic experience. Tasty pastries and desserts to go along with great tasting coffee.

  • Nathaly Balseca

    Nathaly Balseca


    Great ham and cheese sandwich coffee too strong to my taste.

nærmeste Cafe

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