Carmine Gastronomía y Arte i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorCarmine Gastronomía y Arte



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Avenue Portugal, 170135, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-333-2829
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.1829354, Longitude: -78.4768442

kommentar 5

  • Al Villamar

    Al Villamar


    The place is very nice and has seating inside and outside the house. The food is excellent but the service is not as good as the food - the servers stand around instead of making sure the customers are being taken care of. I give 5 stars to the food and 4 stars to the service. Excellent place to take a date, a business meeting, or to celebrate an important event.

  • en

    Juan Vintimilla


    Service is excelente, the place is really nice good location, food is alright, a bit overpriced to be honest you will eat and have a glass of wine for 40-50 usd depending if you get an appetizer, I’m giving 3 stars because the price should be a bit less expensive and also because the pesto pasta I ate was terrible, the meat was good so I’m being very honest

  • Waldo Hampton

    Waldo Hampton


    Chef likes to come out and chat and will help you pick something great for dinner. Everything we've ordered everytime we come has been delicious.

  • Paula Runciman

    Paula Runciman


    Location and environment.. amazing. Service was great. Burrata amazing. The main dishes were ok.

  • Eileen Meng

    Eileen Meng


    Food and service are amazing. Didn’t have to wait too long for a table for 7 people. The staff were very accommodating. This is the ideal place for celebrations and romantic dates. Best make a reservation. Valet parking is available.

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