Mr. Bagel i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorMr. Bagel



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Avenida Portugal, 170135, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
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Latitude: -0.1817515, Longitude: -78.4792075

kommentar 5

  • Karl Flanagan

    Karl Flanagan


    Simple, nice bagel place with a great breakfast trade. Bagels are as good as I have had in Quito though selection can be quite limited. Refills on the decent coffee which adds a nice American touch. Juices are unsweetened which is a rarity. Definitively good for a change from the ubiquitous Ecuadorian breakfast. Funnily enough their majado is also excellent - think they call it papaco.

  • en

    Mariana Segovia


    Excellent coffee, great bagels, reasonable prices!

  • Eric Evanson

    Eric Evanson


    Great food and great service!

  • Benjamin Polge

    Benjamin Polge


    Absolutely, for real American bagels. Nice place, too. Meeting room in the back, good wait staff. Did I mention the bagels were good?

  • Matt Krych

    Matt Krych


    Great little coffee and bagel shop! Okay neither the coffee or bagel was spectacular but it's a great place to have a coffee and bagel for pretty cheap! Good atmosphere and even free WiFi. Seating in and outdoors! A nice stop for an American craving a bagel and coffee. Oh by the way, they have lots of types of bagels to satisfy anyone!

nærmeste Bageri

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