BAM BAM i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorBAM BAM


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QR29+785, Santo Domingo, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 96 044 4567
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Latitude: -0.2493568, Longitude: -79.1816469

kommentar 5

  • clara zambrano

    clara zambrano


    Very rich

  • Claudio Flores R

    Claudio Flores R


    For excellent fast food

  • Eimy Aldana

    Eimy Aldana


    The three times I've been, the customer service is lousy. To attend you it seems that you are asking them a favor. The bad potatoes, the oil drips on them, like the chicken and the sausage, too much oil. It doesn't feel cozy and you want to never go back. The food obviously and as I am saying it is not good. I would not recommend going. They sell fast food when it comes to fries with sausage or chicken, hamburgers, among others.

  • Tania Orellana

    Tania Orellana


    A lot of oil and no salad, the juice with a lot of sugar even in the bottom of the jar was the sugar and terrible attention to the customer

  • Andres maxwell

    Andres maxwell


    It is a great restaurant that is worth visiting since its employees receive you with great attention and not to mention its food is very good to enjoy with your family or your partner.

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