La piedra SD i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorLa piedra SD



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los rosales,calle venezuela frente al colegio neumane, Santo Domingo 230150, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 93 918 5318
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Latitude: -0.249433, Longitude: -79.1811104

kommentar 5

  • Cecilia De Espin

    Cecilia De Espin


    Very rich everything ... nice place

  • E D W

    E D W


    It is very good, good service and very tasty food.

  • Israel Basurto

    Israel Basurto


    Very good service and very good food

  • John Villegas

    John Villegas


    Rich, moderate price, good service in a nice place I recommend the personal barbecue (2 people can eat) The first impression is excellent, a place with rustic decoration of pallets, spacious, I personally loved their tables, after a while I was there it began to seem excessive the use of yellow light plus the color of the wood giving a slightly strange feeling , I tried the picaña, which I found a bit tough, the cut was of medium quality, the garnish was excellent, good portions of French fries, Moorish rice and salad. Which again well put the portions quietly eat 2 hence the pieces of meat were very rich with moderate prices .... to improve I would say that it needed a chimichurry to accompany the meats

  • Robert Griggs

    Robert Griggs


    Excellent atmosphere and quality food. This time we went there were no burgers (not certain why, maybe Covid-19). Previously the burgers were very good. We had platters of grilled meats and sausage with sides of chips yuca and salad. Excellent food and service

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