Bauhouse i Cuenca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Benigno Malo, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 98 340 1241
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Latitude: -2.8954615, Longitude: -79.0046769

kommentar 5

  • Bill Miller

    Bill Miller


    Nice clean hostel. Good breakfast. Great value.

  • Charles Ford

    Charles Ford


    Nice place to stay. Showers are good and beds are comfy. Staff are nice as well.

  • Michel Pham

    Michel Pham


    Very friendly staff and family style of management. I was lucky I got the last bed the night I spent, however the hot water was not functionning (Cuenca is relatively chill in May) and it can be a bit noisy during the night.

  • Jesse Gorman

    Jesse Gorman


    nice hostel large good dorms and great location. poor bathrooms for the amount of people need another. bathroom abit dirty due to high usage. and they try to charge to use it if you have a night bus!

  • Bill Wicker

    Bill Wicker


    Great hostel. Individual lockers for each person that are big enough for a full backpack. Includes breakfast of eggs and toast with coffee or tea. Two entertainment rooms. One for movies and another for video games. Two blocks from the central park. They also have a free dinner on Sundays!

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