Hotel Italia Cuenca i Cuenca

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EcuadorHotel Italia Cuenca



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Av. España y Huayna-capac, Cuenca 010110, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-284-0060
internet side:
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Latitude: -2.89518, Longitude: -78.9964147

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Anrango

    Matthew Anrango


    excellent food

  • Endry Flores

    Endry Flores


    mm l ññ ñmtlhjeniyllevo

  • Chris “motomon” Brown

    Chris “motomon” Brown


    Convenient, clean, but noisy location.

  • Darcie Crawford

    Darcie Crawford


    I ordered a RARE cooked filet mignon something simple and any 4 star Chef ought to know how to cook this thing was burnt to a crisp and then there is no wait staff anywhere around when I went to same thing about it I had to take the play out to the front desk and show her and then as as going back in to get my daughter still in the restaurant, the waiter shows up spontaneously and wants me to sign for it, as if to pay for it!!!!!!!!! So I told him over my dead body and that's my review of this little hotel that has no patios no hot tub even their beds offering 1 pillow each & are twin size beds so this is not a 4-star hotel by any stretch of anyone's imagination. Not even a bathtub much less a hot tub! You could see my daughter in so-called patio, room accomidations, even look at molding wall next to where I a suppose to sleep.

  • Gareth Jones

    Gareth Jones


    Decent choice. Funny town. Get the bus to Vilcabamba.

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