El Conquistador i Cuenca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorEl Conquistador


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Calle Gran Colombia, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
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Latitude: -2.8965161, Longitude: -79.0024542

kommentar 5

  • Moniql Dag

    Moniql Dag


    Nice hotel and great location. Clean, comfortable rooms. Staff is very helpful and kind. If you travel by car, hotel arranges parking for you. However, you may need to consider that it's an additional cost since hotel does not have own parking space.

  • Freddy Aguirre

    Freddy Aguirre


    Clean rooms and the perfect view

  • Claudia Macchiavello

    Claudia Macchiavello


    Room was ok. Excellent location. Breakfast was standard..but apparently they did not count on having that many guests that sunday because buffet kept running out and there were not enough people to replenish it, and take away the dishes and serve extra coffee...had to eat one thing at a time...

  • Geliani Lopez

    Geliani Lopez


    Adequate. Room very small. Had no ac nor fan. When I asked for one they said they didn't have a fan. The next evening I told them I would not give them a good rating then they found the fan.

  • Andrea Orozco

    Andrea Orozco


    The service is good. Unfortunately the building looks old inside, the room doesn't have enough light. They should improve the breakfast.

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