Capilla del Hombre i Quito

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EcuadorCapilla del Hombre



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Mariano Calvache, 170135, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
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Latitude: -0.1907238, Longitude: -78.4694223

kommentar 5

  • Mariana Mcgraw

    Mariana Mcgraw


    The Art is exquisite and impressive. Great knowledgeable tour guides. Clean and just amazing

  • en

    Ameur Manceur


    Very interesting and the free tours are worth it. Guayasamin was very talented and his opus magnum will leave you feeling overwhelmed but hopeful for the future. Well in other words you'll need a beer after!

  • Alejandro Martinez

    Alejandro Martinez


    Eight dollars the entrance fee is not bad at all to see incredible artwork. Beutiful place to spend at least 2hrs looking at a lot of the things Guayasamin did and how he did it. It's definitely worth your time.

  • en

    Franklin Walker


    I knew little about Guyasamin before this visit. It’s worth reading a bit about his life before you go. His paintings are a testament to the suffering of the poor and social activists in South American countries. You can tour the Capilla with an English-speaking guide then go back and take your time gazing at these stunning works. Then you can tour the museum, which was his house, also with an English-speaking guide. He lived quite a life. He is buried at the property under a large tree.About an eight dollar cab ride from the historic centre and about eight dollars admission.

  • en

    Jared King


    It was a wonderfully curated Museum and seemed to be quite enlightening to an artist's long and productive career who had been able to mingle amongst many other prominent political figures of his time. It was all so wonderfully informative about human suffering and the artist's portrayal of such within the Latin American continent.

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