Mindalae - Ethnohistoric & Crafts Museum of Ecuador i Quito

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EcuadorMindalae - Ethnohistoric & Crafts Museum of Ecuador



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N26-166, Reina Victoria, 170517, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
internet side: www.mindalae.com.ec
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.1989223, Longitude: -78.4877182

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Loor Chávez

    Joseph Loor Chávez


    Atención muy buena

  • Javier Ibarra Isassi

    Javier Ibarra Isassi


    The museum is small, but is filled with all sorts of artifacts from all over Ecuador. It is a great place to learn about the many cultures and their crafts. It is a quick stop (visiting all the museum takes around 40min) but well worth it! Entrance is cheap (USD$3) and there is a small store where you can buy something to remember your trip.

  • Jaime Carlosama

    Jaime Carlosama


    en un solo sitio artesania ecuatoriana de calidad ... en un lugar interesante.

  • tradattitude64



    No recuerdo haber ido a este lugar pero si el celular lo dice debe ser.

  • Eric Helton

    Eric Helton


    Interesting exhibits with decent amount of signage and text to explain what's there and the historical/cultural context. Most signs were dual language with English and at least a few had French as well. There were spaces that appeared to be set up to host events like a drum circle or speakers, but we didn't happen to be there during one. Starting and the top and coming down works from a flow perspective and ends at the lower floor with an interesting fair-trade store set up by region. It's not a large museum, but certainly worth the few dollars entry fee and was interesting enough for my 7- and 8-year-old kids.

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