El Balcon de los Reyes i Ibarra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorEl Balcon de los Reyes



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Miguel Arcangel, 100110, Ibarra, Ibarra, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 6-260-4671
internet side: elbalcondelosreyes.negocio.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3596983, Longitude: -78.1074178

kommentar 5

  • Eduardo Jara

    Eduardo Jara


    The pool and hydromassage service cannot be used all day only in the morning, dirty pool and hydromassage did not fulfill its function. If you choose to stay in this place it was for these services, but terrible.

  • Veronica Ghm

    Veronica Ghm


    The rooms are very rustic, the water heater is not turned on to be able to shower when needed, the pool was only enabled at 10 in the morning and it had bubbles on the water, the hydromassage was turned on at 10 in the morning. and you had to wait 45 minutes to use (the exit of the place is until 1:00 p.m.), no matter how much view you had to the lagoon, the windows were dirty. The dining room is in the reception (a small place), I think that 56 is a lot for a service of this type. The client is carried away by the photos but the truth is I do not recommend it.

  • Johny Yeahs

    Johny Yeahs


    Excellent view and very discreet to spend with the family.

  • Lenin Rueda

    Lenin Rueda






    Great view to the lake. Good service

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