Tunas y Cabras i Ibarra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorTunas y Cabras



🕗 åbningstider

100105, 100105, Ibarra, Ibarra, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 99 520 8793
internet side: www.tunasycabras.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.4266695, Longitude: -78.0552444

kommentar 5

  • Janneth Maragakis

    Janneth Maragakis


    Beautiful and relaxing place outside Ibarra. Far from the beating pad. Excellent service, great food selection, great outdoor spaces including a pool and jacuzzi.

  • Gavin C

    Gavin C


    After clarifying that we can not except any further discounts (which aren’t really discounts) , they tell us we do not qualify in our entitled money back. WE ARE LIVING IN A PANDEMIC , WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE ARENT ENTITLED FOR OUR OWN HARD WORKED CASH. ITS NOT OUR FAULT ECUADOR IS IN LOCKDOWN AND WE CANT DRIVE TO WE YOU ARE LOCATED . HOW DISGRACEFUL.

  • Mileidy Capurro

    Mileidy Capurro


    It is a magic place to share with people do you love🥰

  • Jose Alberto Lema

    Jose Alberto Lema


    Such a good place

  • Sarah Box

    Sarah Box


    Great place for couples or the whole family. Cabins range from luxury with whirlpool bath and veranda to bunk bed rooms but all are comfortable with good beds. The swimming pool is lovely and good for all ages. It is great to visit the farm, see the animals and hike in the area. Food is good, service is friendly, the view is spectacular. A great weekend getaway but I'd have preferred to stay longer.

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