Gelato Coffe i Riobamba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorGelato Coffe



🕗 åbningstider

88MV+PMQ, Riobamba, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 3-294-4372
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.6656649, Longitude: -78.6557549

kommentar 5

  • Daniela Vásconez

    Daniela Vásconez


    Beautiful place to chill and enjoy delicious desserts, fast food or beverages, excellent choice. :)

  • Patricio Mayo

    Patricio Mayo


    Since I came back from Colombia my friend and me spend time talking about all the things that happened while I was not here in Ecuador so we look for restaurants, coffee shops or good places for have a good time talking and eating at the same time , one day we found a new place of food called Gelato and we decided to visit it, since that day we go every time that we can for eat and talk there, it is a good space to spend time with friend and family , it has good food and it has a variety of food and delicious desserts, in the second floor you can reserve a place with furniture and good music, prices are moderate, you can spend between 4 to 6 dollars for each person eating there, I would recommended this place because it has a lot of advantages that others places do not have , also this place is close to the center of the city.

  • Kevin Pellizzeri

    Kevin Pellizzeri


    Good food but the burger was hard to eat.

  • Fabricio Pinanjota

    Fabricio Pinanjota


    Very Good

  • Víctor Manuel Miranda Collaguazo

    Víctor Manuel Miranda Collaguazo


    Awesome food.

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