Hostal Mia Leticia i Quito

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorHostal Mia Leticia



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N5-91, Juan Pío Montúfar, 170401, Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 2-295-1980
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.220879, Longitude: -78.509151

kommentar 5

  • andre lebelge

    andre lebelge


    I cannot give 5 stars because the nights can be very noisy. They have anyway some rooms on the backside with a window to the inside. Apart of that it's fantastic for the small price. Rooms are big, clean, smell fresh, well equiped , comfortable beds, fast wifi everywhere. You have a generous breakfast, tea coffee etc all day in a superb environment. There is small 'salon' where you can have a beer or wine at economic prices. The staff is super, helpfull with all your needs and questions. Situated next to the Marine bus terrminal and two blocks from the Plaza Grande. A place to come back again and again. Many thanks to Lucas, Mirluz and the rest of the staff for caring about us. 😘🇧🇪🇫🇷

  • Kunal Biswas

    Kunal Biswas


    No frills hotel but has everything essential. The host/caretaker is a very helpful guy. I definitely recommend this hotel.

  • Lucas david

    Lucas david



  • Ali Tahiri

    Ali Tahiri


    Did not stay here, however the staff were excellent and extremely helpful. They went above and beyond to help guide us to our hotel

  • ramon ocampo

    ramon ocampo


    Good location in old town Quito. Busy area as its located in a bus terminal. Rooms were clean and simple-only to sleep. Bathrooms are 2** as expected in $. Rooms are noisy, you can hear people talking again as expected in $. Recommend as $ is great value.

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