Hotel Boutique Castilla de Léon i Cuenca

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EcuadorHotel Boutique Castilla de Léon



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Hermano Miguel, 010104, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-282-5912
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Latitude: -2.8955976, Longitude: -79.0015191

kommentar 5

  • Philip Lewin

    Philip Lewin


    Unfortunately we had a very bad experience here. It looked very promising for a good price, but we were disappointed with the room and service. Our main complaint was the room, which was in a terrible state (yellow stained sink, holes in chairs, gaps between floorboards, worn out bed cover) and most notably next to the busy market, The Tram (that rings right in front of the window) and Traffic light that makes an almost constant beeping noise. All of that starting at around 5:30am woke us up early every day. We tried to find a solution with the manager, but he just told us the hotel was full and „well that’s the category of room you payed for“. However if we would be willing to pay more, we could have an inward-facing room that would be less noisy. We were by no means trying to get a free upgrade, but it seems there is a focus only on making money and not delivering the service (a room to sleep in). For over 60€ per night you should certainly be able to expect that. This was however not the only thing: - After the cleaning the floor was still dirty - The wifi was excruciatingly slow - The toilet in the public area was dirty on arrival - we had to ask for toilet paper twice because it wasn’t restocked - the lamp in the room wasn’t working and had to be replaced - the breakfast buffet as suggested in the pictures was only on sunday I would highly recommend looking for another hotel or hostel, you will have a better experience and maybe even pay less.

  • Davd Salazr

    Davd Salazr


    I had the breakfast buffet and it was very tasty, also friendly staff.

  • Null



    Customer service was excellent and the visual aspects of the room and hotel were very appealing and beautiful. I loved the attention to detail in cleaning my room during my stay. However, I have a few complaints: My room shower (102) was not only terribly designed (single sheet of glass to cover half of shower, makes the water spill out) but also the water didn't drain properly and kept filling up to my ankles. The room was very small for a two twin size beds. I would still come back despite that considering the price and the way they treat you in the hotel. Very nice people.

  • Kris



    Fantastic little hotel we found close to the center of Cuenca. It was extremely affordable for a 4 night stay and about $50 cheaper than surrounding hotels. Beds were clean, great hot water and pressure, and a cute terrace to enjoy the mornings.

  • Kennedy Gonzalez

    Kennedy Gonzalez


    Great service friendly staff that go above and beyond to accommodate you

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