Melatte i Cuenca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Avenida 12 de Abril, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593
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Latitude: -2.901076, Longitude: -79.0080724

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Freeman

    Rachel Freeman


    There are so many good coffee shops in Cuenca, but this isn't one of them. The cakes were fine but the "cappuccino" was watered down Americano with some foam on top.

  • Maddie Gullion

    Maddie Gullion


    In general, I like this café. I appreciate its proximity to the university and its study-friendly environment. Sometimes the wifi doesn’t work, but it’s better than most places where I’ve tried to do work. The prices are Starbucks-esque, but I’m willing to pay them because very few places in Cuenca have almond and soy milk. Here’s the thing: when the manager of the property is around (at least, that’s what I think his role is), the prices shoot up. For a large café con leche de almendras, I usually pay $1.90. When the boss is around, it’s $2.90 and, and he only fills my cup up halfway. What’s more, he yells at the baristas for mistakes when he himself, in accordance with upper management types, doesn’t know how to pull an espresso shot. I feel bad for the baristas. I hate that it’s a roll of the dice whether or not my coffee is gonna be affordable. They accept my reusable mug, which is important to note.

  • Juan Vintimilla

    Juan Vintimilla


    Amazing coffee shop next to the river, Santa Fe sandwich is delicious, the also have a wonderful carrot cake, WiFi is pretty good and they have matcha tea which is especial to find in Ecuador

  • Lorna O. Davison

    Lorna O. Davison


    Architecturally charming, Colorful Fusionaboinds. Great cappuccino, comfy seating. Lightening wifi. On the river, Flora and wrought iron. Beautiful banos and shopping in the courtyard.

  • Meghan Whalen

    Meghan Whalen


    Great place to meet for a coffee, or get one to go. They also serve a few different snacks like paninis and baked goods. Most of the seating is outside.

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