Casa Bambú Restaurante & Bar i Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

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EcuadorCasa Bambú Restaurante & Bar



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Calle Victor Lopez, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas 230204, Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 98 026 8322
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.2458291, Longitude: -79.1945708

kommentar 5

  • Jonathan Balseca

    Jonathan Balseca


    Nice costumer services

  • Ruslan Mustakaev

    Ruslan Mustakaev


    Very good restaurant with fine foods, low prices and incredible site on a mountain and view to the city. Very lovely atmosphere.

  • Ricardo Cañar

    Ricardo Cañar


    Great experience, the best way to end a nice day.

  • Daniel Godwin

    Daniel Godwin


    By far a top notch eatery and bar in Santo Domingo de los Colorados. Delicious burgers and other items to choose from. Add to this, a spectacular mountainside location from which to enjoy the lights of the city. Great staff and service. Great for groups and families, as well as a romantic night out.

  • Erny Prada

    Erny Prada


    The location is great, but the food and the service were terrible. You can request private seating which is great but the waiters hardly showed up. We ordered the steak and it was terrible; we could hardly chew it. Prices are high for the area but that was expected. If they work on the service and the food, this place could be one of the best.

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