La Canasta de Yogui i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EcuadorLa Canasta de Yogui



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Calle Padre Germán Maya, 230201, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 98 251 0273
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Latitude: -0.2498372, Longitude: -79.181555

kommentar 5

  • nasser saleh

    nasser saleh


    A quieter and cleaner place, very rich food

  • santiago nuñez

    santiago nuñez


    A cozy place with a very good taste food and good service

  • Eimy Aldana

    Eimy Aldana


    It was very great when I went, it is private, that is, there are not many people, they attended to us quickly, the place is spacious. The bathroom is very clean so that speaks highly of the Yogi Basket. There is ping pong table and we have fun playing. The food was very tasty, it was a chicken sandwich which we ordered and we were very comfortable. I loved it, highly recommended. I will definitely go again to play ping pong and entertain myself in addition to eating. I also liked that they have Uno cards and normal cards, but we don't play that. Everything else was great fun. What I liked the most is that it is a bit private and well lit and it is cool because you feel comfortable and unobserved as well as those places full of people who are watching your every move. Of course, it has to get crowded for a while but I prefer it that way with few people, the decoration is a bit rustic and I liked it too, it feels like a relaxed atmosphere. The tables are separated at a very prudent distance and that is very good to give security to their customers due to the Coronavirus, in that aspect I felt safe. 5 stars for the owners, congratulations, your effort and dedication show, I hope you keep improving. 👌😌❤️

  • Bryan Nuñez

    Bryan Nuñez


    Very good service and excellent flavor

  • Diana Teran Piedra

    Diana Teran Piedra



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