Restaurant Pizzería Mediterráneo i Cuenca

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EcuadorRestaurant Pizzería Mediterráneo



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7-64, Honorato Vásquez, 010101, Cuenca, Cuenca, EC Ecuador
kontakter telefon: +593 7-284-4138
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Latitude: -2.9010701, Longitude: -79.0042509

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Pavlovsky

    Daniel Pavlovsky


    Great food and service. Had the salad primavera and a Margherita pizza. Both were exceptional. Came with complementary garlic bread with salsas. The pizza was definitely in the top-5 I've ever had. Highly recommend it. (Probably go back there at least one more time before leaving Cuenca.)

  • a m

    a m


    I got sick for 4 days after eating their pizza. I believe the ham topping was bad, the vegetable toppings alone would not cause that. They probably left the ham at the room temperature for a long time, which is a common practice in Ecuador. I was very sick and lost too much weight. I am still young and recovered but someone old may not make it.

  • Luca Baron

    Luca Baron


    This restaurant is absolutely amazing! You think you are in Bella Italia. I can recommend the pasta, pizza and the incredible Tiramisu. For all Italian food lovers, This is the perfect place for you! :)

  • MindyV &Family

    MindyV &Family


    Not happy about the way my husband was treated by not only the staff but the owner as well. Apologies we're offered but a little too late. Had a 5 star.... Now we'll never use them again

  • Reginald Williams

    Reginald Williams


    I’ll have to agree with the “yeahs”. We went today for the first time. It won’t be the last! Our pizza, speck (somewhat like prosciutto) with Brie and arugula was done to near perfection (perfect is a HIGH bar), and the risotto we had as a compliment was a truly gourmet surprise. Pizza was good to the last bite of properly roasted crust. The complimentary bruschetta served with two superb choices of marinated herbs, eggplant and assorted goodies was a delicious surprise begging our palates to be patient for what was yet to come. The restaurant has a low key, family Italian sort of atmosphere and Davide, the Milanese owner, was as inviting and friendly as one might hope. Our server was attentive and thoughtful. Oh, did I mention that the prices seemed quite reasonable. All in all a very, very satisfying first visit. We’ll be back to try other things.

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